Sunday, July 13, 2008

Why not share this recipe with the whole world!

Why not share this recipe with the whole world?
I created a new website to aggregate all the recipes in the world, I am here sincerely to invite you join the website:

You surely can publish a blog post about your unique recipes on your blog, but these are the things you couldn't achieve with your blog, let's take a look!
  1. Whenever other users' present belongings satisfies the things needed in your recipe, they get instant advices to try your recipe. Your recipe can actively broadcasted in a amazingly fast speed!
  2. You can log what you have in your fridge. With one single click, you get advices about what you can do with the things in your fridge, since all the advices are based on what you already have, every suggestions are doable RIGHT NOW for you!
  3. Create a menu of your own, your friends can easily browse your capabilities. The menu dynamically shows all your capabilities with the things in your fridge. Next time your friends coming to your place, you don't need to be exhausted.

Wish you were here!

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