Wacanai.com was one of the websites in IDEAS SHOW,Taiwan. The special atmosphere in the expo is that all the web developers are relatively young, I think most of them are under 30. Each website has an opportunity to give a 6 min demo for VCs and press on stage. 6 minutes, that's all you got, you got to be charming and convincing in 6 minutes. I were a kind of nervous, I only spent 5 minutes to deliver the whole presentation. Luckily, nothing I wanted to express was lost. Below is actual recording:
Quick quotes:
Our cameraman:"I think you are just too fat to be a CEO, look around you!"
VC 1:"Your website is the one and only service with deepness today"
Press 1:"Interesting service"
Someone big: "Very interesting ideas you got"
Me:"Where the heck is my grand prize!?"
VC 2:"You are absolutely right, finance management is something big for a new website "
VC 2:"What will you do if you fund enough? " ("Speed everything up", I answerd)
ISP 1:"Howard, your English is somehow better than your Chinese to me..."
Press 2: "Interesting ideas"
The full length concept animation shown that day:
Press release:
Subject: An reversed way of learning, Wacanai launched on June 25
subtitle: First resource matching service created by Taiwan based website shows great buzz potential
Among all web services, none of them can advice you “What you can do right now”, and scenario is just about to change. A Taiwan based website, Wacanai launched this kind of service on June, 25 with English and Chinese versions. The website claims to revolutionize the way users learn and use everything.
Wacanai is claimed to be the first and only web service to match personal resources. Users can input daily items around them, and get suggestions about what they can do or achieve with the items. Users get calculated advices from the website to discover more possibilities in life. Instead of keyword searching, users input what they have at hand, thus the results suggested are all doable right now for users.
“This is why we are so unique and better than search engines. Whenever you find a food recipe on search engines, you have to go shopping in the most of the time. What Wacanai does, is that we tell you what you can do with the things you have in your fridge, no shopping needed. And we are the one and only website to deliver this amazing service” , said Howard Huang , CEO of Wacanai.com. “Wacanai is a website that can really change the world. Now you know what you can do with your present belongings, not just for cook, but everything. This is going to change the way we shop and use every little things.”, he further pointed.
Wacanai developed a trendy way of resource matching to deliver an alternative way of learning. The old school way of learning is like asking yourself: “What do I wanna do?” , and Wacanai thinks that asking yourself: “What do I have” is a better route. Learn and discover possibilities based on what you own is claimed to be a very good way to optimize personal resources and earth care. Through the power of the web, users can also post their unique knowledge to share with the world, other users are automatically adviced.
“We have this great goal, is that all human kind can learn much more via Wacanai. Someday, farmers could input all their tools, to get advices for agriculture upgrade, no money needed. ”, said, Huang.
Wacanai’s initial target audience focus on those who has intense desire to learn and explore. The launch event was held in IDEAS SHOW, a Taiwan supported expo for websites on June 25.
Press contact: Howard Huang, 0922636720,ccool2486@gmail.com, 桃園市守法路名人巷十四號一樓
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