Do you agree with that? How about get adviced about what you can do the things you have? That's the amazing thing about Wacanai. This is how Wacanai help you to discover all the possibilities with your food:
You can post a article about a recipe you saw or you published on other websites.
Make the article have a "Checklist" which means what does this recipe needs.
Whenever other users' (or your) belonging satisfied the checklist, you article pushed to them directly.
Thus, you article is pushed to those who can really try it at the very moment!
Looking for a doable and interesting recipe can really be a waste of time.Instead of searching for recipes, how about knowing what you can cook with the things in your fridge?
I created a new website to aggregate all the recipes in the world, I am here sincerely to invite you join the website:
The game rule is simple. You post any articles about using anything with a "Checklist".You manage what you have, add it or delete it, and people all around the world do the same thing. When your present belongings satisfied any of the checklists. You get advises about "What you can do now ", with the things you have.Which means: You don't need to buy anything else; which means: You can cook more than 1000 dishes with things in your fridge. You are now, an explorer, discovering all the possibilities in life, is easy. And we are, the one and only website to deliver this amazing service.
You can publish a blog post about your unique recipes on your blog, but these are the things you couldn't achieve with your blog, let's take a look!
1. Whenever other users' present belongings satisfies the things needed in your recipe, they get instant advices to try your recipe. Your recipe can actively broadcasted in a amazingly fast speed! 2. You can log what you have in your fridge. With one single click, you get advices about what you can do with the things in your fridge, since all the advices are based on what you already have, every suggestions are doable RIGHT NOW for you! 3. Create a menu of your own, your friends can easily browse your capabilities. The menu dynamically shows all your capabilities with the things in your fridge. Next time your friends coming to your place, you don't need to be exhausted.
SocialTalkr: Howard, in your own words, can you please describe Wacanai?
Howard Huang: is a website that gives auto-generated suggestions about “How can you use the things you have?”.
The core concept is simple: “Everything needs other things to be done”. Wacanai helps users discover what they can do (cook, DIY, travel, fun…almost every aspects of life) with their present belongings.
For example, say you have a toast and an egg in your fridge; the only option in your mind is probably make a sandwich. However, different kinds of people tend to use things in a diverse way. Wacanai aggregates everyone ideas about using everything. Say someone posts a way to make an African style pie out of an egg and a toast, Wacanai will push the idea to you if you have an egg and a toast.
The beauty of it is that with our technology, you won’t need to purchase anything else to discover possibilities.
It’s kind of a reverse way of creation. We start from what you have instead of what you want. We don’t mind someone post something about different ways to smoke pot.
SocialTalkr: Ha ha ha okay. Is that off the record? Howard Huang: No, you can say it ha.
SocialTalkr: Alright so tell me about the name Wacanai? Howard Huang: It’s short for “What can I” and if you say in Japanese, it sounds like “I don’t know” (Socialtalkr: “Wakaranai” in Japanese)
SocialTalkr: How long has it been since Wacanai has been launched? Howard Huang: Less than a month. We launched it in 6/24/08 during IDEAS Show. IDEAS Show is a web-expo held in Taiwan similar to DEMO expo held in San Diego, CA.
SocialTalkr: So tell us about the development process for Wacanai? Howard Huang: It took about 8 months The biggest challenge was to launch it on time! I started this about 3 years after my graduation The 8 month means me and my team worked full time on Wacanai.
SocialTalkr: How did you start financing Wacanai? Howard Huang: First of all, I gave up my budget & opportunity to study abroad and we built the core technology using that money. Now, we have a pretty smooth funding process. In fact, I just sealed a deal. The first funding round of about 10000000 NTD (this morning) (SocialTalkr: 330K USD series A from an undisclosed private investor)
SocialTalkr: Congratulations! How far will this money take you? Howard Huang: Projected more than 2 years. We have free bandwidth and server sponsored by a Seednet (an ISP in Taiwan). All our expenses are operational (salaries).
SocialTalkr: So are you still looking for investors? Howard Huang: Sure. We are creating an innovation, in global market, 300K is still less than what I estimated. We are planning to open an office in Silicon Valley to contact more NVs in North America We are hoping the make it happen late this year. Let’s put it this way, more money, faster expansion
SocialTalkr: How are you planning to monetize Wacanai? What are your revenue streams? Howard Huang: In simple terms, we charge from Enterprise users; we also generate revenue from ADs. The Enterprise solution has not yet been released. For the enterprise solution, Wacanai provides an exchange API to malls/hypermarkets. After users buy goods from the mall, users can manage their resource in Wacanai by simply keying the receipt number. By this, mall gains more returning customers, so we charge a fee to the malls.
For example, when I go to a mall, I buy my groceries, eggs, orange juice, etc.When i input my receipt, Wacanai automatically knows what i bought. By doing this, you get advice about what you can do with the items purchased
Wacanai Value and Process Flow
(SocialTalkr: Detailed business plan available from the Wacanai Blog)
SocialTalkr: Did u have any previous entrepreneurial experience?
Howard Huang: Wacanai is our second project, the first failed. However in terms of forming a real company itself this is my first experience.
The first was called SherryCosmos. It’s about total backup/storage/share files for individuals or small companies similar to
The reason to fail is that I was over dependent on outsourcing. The interesting thing is that Wacanai was some kind of a plan B, and it turned out that Wacanai was far more interesting to investors and others. So SherryCosmos now became our company name.
So we shifted our plan B to major project. SherryCosmos is put to paper stage
SocialTalkr: Thanks for the interview Howard. Do u have anything else you would like to add?
Howard Huang: I want to say that being a website located in Taiwan, the government really provides good support. Normally, web start-ups are relatively nerdy, all engineers & programmers. Taiwan Govt has a project to support us startups in “starting-up”, funding, capitals, usability. They help us to find resources.
Like Seednet, the sponsor I mentioned is introduced by the Govt. Govt holds a contest, thus filtered out some of the websites. In plain English, we won the contest, and we get lots of free stuff and support. They even supported us to attend DEMO FALL 08
Why not share this recipe with the whole world? I created a new website to aggregate all the recipes in the world, I am here sincerely to invite you join the website:
You surely can publish a blog post about your unique recipes on your blog, but these are the things you couldn't achieve with your blog, let's take a look!
Whenever other users' present belongings satisfies the things needed in your recipe, they get instant advices to try your recipe. Your recipe can actively broadcasted in a amazingly fast speed!
You can log what you have in your fridge. With one single click, you get advices about what you can do with the things in your fridge, since all the advices are based on what you already have, every suggestions are doable RIGHT NOW for you!
Create a menu of your own, your friends can easily browse your capabilities. The menu dynamically shows all your capabilities with the things in your fridge. Next time your friends coming to your place, you don't need to be exhausted. is a website to give auto-generated suggestions about "How can you use the things you have" .
Their idea and concept: "People waste things because most of the time we don't know what we can do more with them". They believe that is the problem is that there must be someone else knows how to use things we waste, and their service is to aggregate all the possible ways of using anything to solve this problem.
Wacanai is a fresh way to earth-care, learn. The core concept is simple: "Everything needs other things to be done". Wacanai help users discover what they can do now (cook, DIY, travel, fun...almost every aspects of life) with their present belongings. You can share your ideas about using anything with the world, Wacanai pushes your ideas to those who have items needs for your ideas. Wacanai generates suggestions based on what you already have, so you can do everything Wacanai suggests right at that moment. Wacanai helps users to optimize their resources, say you bought a pack of salt just for cook, in Wacanai salt is far more than for cook. Wacanai generates suggestions about “what you can do with salt” based on every users’ contribution . is currently in public beta. If you are interested in the concept, welcome to experience!
To know about the concept, visit (concept animation ):
Recorded presentation by CEO, Howard Huang: is a website developed by me and my friends. Here's the core concept: "We waste things because most of the time we don't know what we can do with them". We found an interesting conclusion, that is though we don't know any possibilities with our wasted resource, someone else in the world must know.
And, we created
Wacanai is a fresh way to earth-care, learn, and have fun. The core concept is simple: "Everything needs other things to be done". We help users discover what they can do RIGHT NOW (cook, DIY, travel, fun...almost every aspects of life) with their present belongings. You can share your ideas about using anything with the world, Wacanai push(advice) your ideas to those who have items needs for your ideas. Wacanai generates content based on what you already have, so you can do everything Wacanai suggested right that moment. Wacanai helps users to optimize their resources, say you bought a pack of salt just for cook, in Wacanai salt is far more than for cook. Wacanai generates suggestions about “what you can do with salt” based on every users’ contribution . Finding what you can do with your friends, and optimizing your resources are easy and fun in Wacanai. is currently in public beta. If you are interested in the concept, welcome to experience!
To know about the concept, please visit (concept animation ):
Recorded presentation by CEO, Howard Huang:
Founder of Wacanai is a fresh way to earth-care, learn, and have fun. Users can discover what they can do RIGHT NOW (cook, DIY, travel, fun...almost every aspects of life).Wacanai generates con-tent based on what you already have, so you can do everything Wacanai suggested right that moment. Wacanai helps users to optimize their resources, say you bought a pack of salt just for cook, in Wacanai salt is far more than for cook. Wacanai generates suggestions about “what you can do with salt” based on every users’ contribution . Finding what you can do with your friends, and optimizing your resources are easy and fun in Wacanai. was one of the websites in IDEAS SHOW,Taiwan. The special atmosphere in the expo is that all the web developers are relatively young, I think most of them are under 30. Each website has an opportunity to give a 6 min demo for VCs and press on stage. 6 minutes, that's all you got, you got to be charming and convincing in 6 minutes. I were a kind of nervous, I only spent 5 minutes to deliver the whole presentation. Luckily, nothing I wanted to express was lost. Below is actual recording:
Quick quotes:
Our cameraman:"I think you are just too fat to be a CEO, look around you!"
VC 1:"Your website is the one and only service with deepness today"
Press 1:"Interesting service"
Someone big: "Very interesting ideas you got"
Me:"Where the heck is my grand prize!?"
VC 2:"You are absolutely right, finance management is something big for a new website "
VC 2:"What will you do if you fund enough? " ("Speed everything up", I answerd)
ISP 1:"Howard, your English is somehow better than your Chinese to me..."
Press 2: "Interesting ideas"
The full length concept animation shown that day:
Press release:
Subject: An reversed way of learning, Wacanai launched on June 25
subtitle: First resource matching service created by Taiwan based website shows great buzz potential
Among all web services, none of them can advice you “What you can do right now”, and scenario is just about to change. A Taiwan based website, Wacanai launched this kind of service on June, 25 with English and Chinese versions. The website claims to revolutionize the way users learn and use everything.
Wacanai is claimed to be the first and only web service to match personal resources. Users can input daily items around them, and get suggestions about what they can do or achieve with the items. Users get calculated advices from the website to discover more possibilities in life. Instead of keyword searching, users input what they have at hand, thus the results suggested are all doable right now for users.
“This is why we are so unique and better than search engines. Whenever you find a food recipe on search engines, you have to go shopping in the most of the time. What Wacanai does, is that we tell you what you can do with the things you have in your fridge, no shopping needed. And we are the one and only website to deliver this amazing service” , said Howard Huang , CEO of “Wacanai is a website that can really change the world. Now you know what you can do with your present belongings, not just for cook, but everything. This is going to change the way we shop and use every little things.”, he further pointed.
Wacanai developed a trendy way of resource matching to deliver an alternative way of learning. The old school way of learning is like asking yourself: “What do I wanna do?” , and Wacanai thinks that asking yourself: “What do I have” is a better route. Learn and discover possibilities based on what you own is claimed to be a very good way to optimize personal resources and earth care. Through the power of the web, users can also post their unique knowledge to share with the world, other users are automatically adviced.
“We have this great goal, is that all human kind can learn much more via Wacanai. Someday, farmers could input all their tools, to get advices for agriculture upgrade, no money needed. ”, said, Huang.
Wacanai’s initial target audience focus on those who has intense desire to learn and explore. The launch event was held in IDEAS SHOW, a Taiwan supported expo for websites on June 25.
Press contact: Howard Huang, 0922636720,, 桃園市守法路名人巷十四號一樓