Here's a simple way have a good start, a website called Wacanai could give you suggestions about what you can make with the things in your fridge even with few wine collections.
After registering an account on the site, here's reminder, DO NOT click "OK" on this screen, cause we only wanna learn how to mix some drinks, clicking that will make the learning process harder.
Now, let's start to input something we have, juice, wine, sugar, anything you think you think relative to cocktail, drinks, bartending...
Hover your mouse on the X icon, and you can add it as your belongings.
Now, after logging about 10 items, like what I have done here:
Hover your mouse on the X icon, and you can add it as your belongings.
Now, after logging about 10 items, like what I have done here:
Click on the "Your match" on the top menu.
Now you know what you can do with the things you have.
There're only two suggestions based on my 10 items, it is not cool right now, the suggestion will be more when you start logging more items. However, here's the amazing part...
Wacanai can tell you what are the most valuable items you should own. The match index shows how many thing you can do after having the item. Take one of my results, "White creme de cacao" for example, I can make the most things after having white creme (based on the Wacanai database).
Let's click on the white creme to see what I can do with white creme.
On the left top of the page you can see how you can use the white creme after buying(or logging it onto Wacanai) it. It keeps going on and on, start from what you already have, buy the most suitable item for you... A efficient way to learn to mix some drinks.
And that's it! Now you can learn how to mix some drinks based on what you already have, save some money for yourself. You can also post the a cocktail mix on Wacanai, share it, or simply treat it as your personal cocktail database~
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